Ron lived in my neighborhood along with Mort Vodian, John Marzo, Pat Heidi, Susan Askham, and Judy Furlong. I recall spending some summer days swimming with Ron and Gary at their house. Ron and Gary were taking Judo around that time and I joined them for a year or so.
One vivid memory is playing softball at Oak Park Intermediate School. I usually played left field and Ron always, and I mean always, hit towering fly balls down the 3rd-base line over my head. I knew it was coming and always moved back, sometimes into other games, but he always seemed to hit it far enough so I couldn’t catch it!
My last contact with Ron was in the 1970’s when he was working for Paine Webber in San Jose and I lost contact with him after that.
Ron was a really sweet guy, a charmer, a rascal and oh so good looking, at least to my naive 7th grade eyes! We met at Oak Grove Intermediate and along with Barbara Longshore we had many adventures and fun times! I do remember looking for cradads in the creek and walking for what seemed like miles along the creek banks, innocent and mindless conversations the whole way. Like I said, a charmer and such sad news😪
William (Randy) Sturgeon
Ron lived in my neighborhood along with Mort Vodian, John Marzo, Pat Heidi, Susan Askham, and Judy Furlong. I recall spending some summer days swimming with Ron and Gary at their house. Ron and Gary were taking Judo around that time and I joined them for a year or so.
One vivid memory is playing softball at Oak Park Intermediate School. I usually played left field and Ron always, and I mean always, hit towering fly balls down the 3rd-base line over my head. I knew it was coming and always moved back, sometimes into other games, but he always seemed to hit it far enough so I couldn’t catch it!
My last contact with Ron was in the 1970’s when he was working for Paine Webber in San Jose and I lost contact with him after that.
Barbara Murray (Schatz)
Ron was a really sweet guy, a charmer, a rascal and oh so good looking, at least to my naive 7th grade eyes! We met at Oak Grove Intermediate and along with Barbara Longshore we had many adventures and fun times! I do remember looking for cradads in the creek and walking for what seemed like miles along the creek banks, innocent and mindless conversations the whole way. Like I said, a charmer and such sad news😪