This website serves as a portal for our 50th Reunion, which will be held in Pleasant Hill this August (on the weekend of the Annual PHHS All-Class Picnic). The reunion announcement and procedures for making reservations can be found by clicking on "50th Reunion" in the menu bar at the top of the home page.
Why Use This Special Website?
This website has a profile page for each of you, where you can post pictures and send comments to friends. In the weeks to come we will develop special sections for things like sports, music, and memories of school activities. Here we can break a lot of the ice amongst us in the months to come, and maybe even recognize each other after 50 years! And if you cannot come to the reunion, you can still participate in our fifity year renewal here.
How to join this Website
Go to First Time Visitors on the menu bar above and follow the instructions there. After that, you only have to log in with your email address and a password of your choice. Once you join, you will be able to see Classmate Profiles, In Memory Profiles, and a list of people we have not been able to contact, all in a dropdown menu under the Classmate Listings menu at the top of this page. If you can contact anyone who is missing, please let us know.
Currently, Classmate Profiles include the 1965 yearbook senior portraits, culled from the Rambler of Nancy Natland (Develter), on which you may see fragments of messages to her. We also added minimal information about school activities as listed at the back of the 1965 Rambler and graduation honors from the June 18, 1965 graduation program to the profiles. When you join you can add meaningful photos and write a blurb about yourself on your own profile (see Edit Profile along the left margin).
50 Year Reunion Committee
Our Reunion Committee so far consists of Linda Geary (Bernheim), Laura Tow, Janice Barr (Daw), Susie Boyle (Hubbard), Pam Burnham, Joyce Gaston (Eichelberger), Sammy Hall (Kuhl), Chris Killion, Nancy Natland (Develter), Karen Rice, Lynn Schuetz (Phillips), Thom Schuttish, and me, Barbara Ostrander (Natland). Linda and I are currently website administrators. My husband Jim Natland (PHHS 1964) is an ex officio member of the committee, helping to manage this website.
How Are We Finding One Another?
Linda Geary (Bernheim) has compiled a classmate spreadsheet with much basic information, and we shall be using it as a way of getting in touch with folks and encouraging them to join this site. We intend to keep any contact information confidential, and even those of you who join the site can control how much people find out about you (see First Time Instructions submenu in this menu).
Contact Us
Problems? Questions? Send a message to me (Contact Us, above).
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Ostrander (Natland)