In Memory

Neal Rosenbaum

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02/28/15 10:00 AM #1    

Paul Lamborn

I remember Neal and always thought he had a gentle side to him. Not something some of us showed much at that time. Too bad , I am sorry to hear of Neals' passing.

03/09/15 03:17 PM #2    

Suzanne Crosby (Roberts)

I  also remember Neal having a very soft and gentle side to him.  He was very quiet but a very caring person.  I was very sad to hear of his passing. 

03/18/15 11:23 AM #3    

Linda Razzano (Carroll)

In middle school I was Neal's girlfriend for exactly two days. He asked me to " wear his jacket," even though we had to my recollection never spoken a word to each other. I was also given an enormous ring. The best part was wrapping it with string and layering it with nail polish as directed by my sophisticated and seemingly worldly about these issues, neighbor Pam Allen. ( 63')

We had one phone call where we listened to each other breathe for what seemed like an eternity.

It's lovely to know that others who knew him have such kind things to say.


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